Lambie’s album pathway, measuring over 100m long and 3m wide sits at the heart of Barrowland Park. The work was commissioned as part of the Glasgow 2014 Cultural Programme.
The iconic Glaswegian music venue, Barrowland Ballroom, is the inspiration for this artwork as part of a wider commission for the brands for Culture 2014 and Festival 2014. Utilising Lambie’s characteristic approach to line, colour and popular culture, each stripe on the pathway features the name and date of every act that has performed at the Barrowlands from 1983 until 2013.
Expressing the significance of the Barrowlands (originally a dance hall) as a music venue, this path resembles a walk down memory lane. The piece acts as a modern gigging history for Glasgow and creates the feeling of searching through someone’s music collection.
Designed for the Barras Calton as a permanent work, Lambie’s album pathway is to be relocated in the area should Barrowland Park be changed, as it remains a site ready for development. Local community group, Fans of Barrowland Park is working to protect the park and the works legacy, aiming to ensure that it remains in its current location.